From 14th to 19th of November we participated on a project in a super small village in the Netherlands called ‘Power of Visuals’.
When we arrived the beautiful Dutch countryside already amazed us, but the the group we had even outshined that.
The topic was mostly about visual facilitation and visual storytelling – using easy drawings and shapes to explain things and teach young people. It is and important skill to have as visual learning can be more efficient – especially in nowaday’s visually supersaturated world.
Already on the first day we broke the fear of drawing. Many of us had the feeling that nah, we can’t draw. But the trainers showed some easy tricks and techniques so noone felt shy anymore about their drawing skills. On the following days we used these simple methods in order to express ourselves, tell stories visually, or even to visualize someone’s life path.
I was even suprised myself how natural it felt after a while to use only visual tools instead of the verbal ones.
We also need to mention the group feeling as it was really outstanding. Everyone was willing to learn and we suppported each other during the whole path. And most importantly, everyone was willing to share – cause usually on these projects we learn the most from each other.
The most interesting part came on the last day when every one had the chance to held a workshop in small groups on their personal interest.
It was great to see how enthusiastic people were to share their knowledge – and indeed we learnt very useful practical skills and best practices that day. Starting from drawing beautiful letters through easy animal drawings from numbers to actual trainer’s methods – like gamifying.
We are really happy with the experience, it was boosting for the creative mind and refilling for the soul.